miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2011

La tonteria del dia

Ahora mismo (si, a estas alturas) estamos en clase viendo como hacer un blog. Que cosas...

1 comentario:

    They could never get enough of anything.
    And certianly that was the problem with COMSTUL.
    It was the problem with COMIESSE and PRIESSE and SESSECTE and GESSIS.
    Cause it was the same for MARY PAT.
    She just didn't want to rape and cull and collect.
    She wanted lotsa PAIN!
    Oh yeah she wanted it ALL!!!!!
    She wanted the PINSTU and the SOBST with PTY LTD!
    She wanted the BRATEOPH!
    She wanted the fucking kid to DISAPPEAR!
    And by god, so did KILLA HILLA- KILLA WATT and KILLA COLES.
    And they did the job.
    They did it a lot.
    And they became known , very well known as SERIAL MEDICAL KILLERS!!!!!!!!!
    With DELL.
